536 Terminations-40°C~100°C TJ System On ChipSmartFusion?2 Series 293 I/O1.2V

  • Manufacturer: Microsemi Corporation
  • Origchip NO: 523-M2S150TS-FCSG536I
  • Package: 536-LFBGA, CSPBGA
  • Datasheet: PDF
  • Stock: 122
  • Description: 536 Terminations-40°C~100°C TJ System On ChipSmartFusion?2 Series 293 I/O1.2V (Kg)



Primary Attributes FPGA - 150K Logic Modules
Flash Size 512KB
RoHS Status RoHS Compliant
Factory Lead Time 10 Weeks
Lifecycle Status IN PRODUCTION (Last Updated: 1 month ago)
Package / Case 536-LFBGA, CSPBGA
Surface Mount YES
Operating Temperature -40°C~100°C TJ
Packaging Tray
Published 2015
Series SmartFusion®2
JESD-609 Code e3
Pbfree Code yes
Part Status Active
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) 3 (168 Hours)
Number of Terminations 536
Terminal Finish MATTE TIN
HTS Code 8542.39.00.01
Terminal Position BOTTOM
Terminal Form BALL
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) NOT SPECIFIED
Supply Voltage 1.2V
Time@Peak Reflow Temperature-Max (s) NOT SPECIFIED
JESD-30 Code S-PBGA-B536
Supply Voltage-Max (Vsup) 1.26V
Supply Voltage-Min (Vsup) 1.14V
Number of I/O 293
Speed 166MHz
RAM Size 64KB
Core Processor ARM® Cortex®-M3
Peripherals DDR, PCIe, SERDES
Connectivity CANbus, Ethernet, I2C, SPI, UART/USART, USB
Architecture MCU, FPGA

This SoC is built on ARM? Cortex?-M3 core processor(s).

Based on the core processor(s) ARM? Cortex?-M3, this SoC has been developed.It has been assigned a package 536-LFBGA, CSPBGA by its manufacturer for this system on a chip.The SoC chip provides users with reliable performance because it is implemented with 64KB RAM.Using the MCU, FPGA technique, this SoC design's internal architecture is simple.The system on a chip is part of the series SmartFusion?2.Typical operating temperatures for this SoC meaning should be -40°C~100°C TJ.A significant feature of this SoC security is the combination of FPGA - 150K Logic Modules.In the state-of-the-art Tray package, this SoC system on a chip is housed.Total I/Os on this SoC part are 293.A power supply with a 1.2V rating is recommended.The SoCs wireless is considered unreliable if the voltage exceeds 1.26V.There is a possibility that it can be powered by a power supply of at least 1.14V.The FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY can be reconfigured to meet a variety of design requirements.A system on a chip benefits from having 536 terminations.A 512KB flash can be seen on it.

ARM? Cortex?-M3 processor.

Built on MCU, FPGA.
512KB extended flash.

There are a lot of Microsemi Corporation

M2S150TS-FCSG536I System On Chip (SoC) applications.

  • Cyber security for critical applications in the aerospace
  • Functional safety for critical applications in the aerospace
  • ARM
  • Networked sensors
  • Level
  • POS Terminals
  • Sports
  • Flow Sensors
  • Networked Media Encode/Decode
  • USB hard disk enclosure

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