The ULN2003AN is a high voltage, high current Darlington transistor array, designed to be used in applications such as relay drivers, stepper motor drivers, and other high-current or high-voltage applications. This integrated circuit contains seven Darlington transistors with common emitters and integral suppression diodes for inductive loads. With a maximum output voltage of 50V and a continuous collector current of 500mA, the ULN2003AN provides a robust and reliable solution for driving a variety of loads. The ULN2003AN is ideal for use in industrial automation, automotive systems, and other applications where precise control of high current or high voltage loads is required. Its compact 16-pin DIP package makes it easy to integrate into a wide range of electronic systems, and its low power consumption ensures efficient operation. With its versatile and reliable performance, the ULN2003AN is a key component for driving and controlling high-power loads in a variety of applications.