The ULN2003AN is a high-voltage, high-current Darlington transistor array. It is designed to be compatible with all common logic families and features an open-collector output stage with a common emitter and a clamp diode for transient suppression. With its 500mA (continuous) output current rating per channel, the ULN2003AN is perfect for interfacing between low-level logic and high-current loads. This versatile device is commonly used in applications such as relay driver circuits, stepper motor drivers, LED displays, and more. Its wide input voltage range and ability to drive inductive loads make it an ideal choice for a wide range of industrial and consumer electronic applications. With its robust design and reliable performance, the ULN2003AN is an essential component for any project that requires driving high-current loads with low-power logic signals. Its ease of use and compatibility with various logic families make it a versatile solution for designers and hobbyists alike.