Introducing the ULN2003AN, a high-voltage, high-current Darlington transistor array. This versatile integrated circuit contains seven darlingtons for use as driver stages in a wide range of applications, including relay drivers, stepper motor drivers, and LED drivers. With a maximum collector current of 500mA and a maximum collector-emitter voltage of 50V, the ULN2003AN provides robust and reliable performance for demanding industrial and automotive environments. Its input pins are compatible with various types of logic, making it easy to interface with microcontrollers and other digital circuitry. Additionally, the ULN2003AN features built-in transient-suppression diodes, ensuring the protection of its internal transistors and external circuits. This IC comes in a cost-effective and space-saving 16-pin DIP package, making it suitable for a wide range of design requirements. For a reliable and versatile Darlington transistor array, choose the ULN2003AN for your next project.