The ULN2003AN is a high voltage, high current darlington transistor array integrated circuit commonly used in driving relays, stepper motors, and other high current applications. This IC contains seven darlington pairs with common emitter and open collector outputs, making it suitable for applications requiring high power and voltage switching. With a maximum collector current of 500mA per channel and a maximum collector-emitter voltage of 50V, the ULN2003AN is well-suited for driving a wide range of loads. Additionally, its integral suppression diodes provide protection against inductive kickback, making it ideal for driving inductive loads such as relays and solenoids. The ULN2003AN is housed in a 16-pin DIP package, allowing for easy integration into a wide range of electronic circuits and systems. With its high voltage and high current capabilities, and integral protection features, the ULN2003AN is a versatile and reliable choice for applications requiring robust and efficient driving of inductive loads.