The BSS84LT1G is a small signal MOSFET designed for low voltage applications. This product is manufactured by ON Semiconductor and provides excellent performance in a variety of electronic devices. With a maximum voltage rating of 60V and a continuous drain current of 130mA, the BSS84LT1G is ideal for use in low voltage applications such as smartphones, tablets, and portable electronics. Its low threshold voltage also makes it suitable for switch applications, providing efficient and reliable performance. The BSS84LT1G features low on-resistance and low input capacitance, allowing for high-speed switching and reduced power losses. This MOSFET also offers a high breakdown voltage and low static drain-source on-resistance, ensuring optimal performance in a range of operating conditions. Additionally, it is designed with a small package, enabling space-saving designs and simplified PCB layouts. Overall, the BSS84LT1G is a versatile and high-performance MOSFET, making it an excellent choice for low voltage applications in various industries.